Pioneers of Everest Value: Edgar Nguyen Edgar Nguyen thought he was meant to be a firefighter, and was just a step or two short of that destination, when by happy accident he agreed to help a friend clean out the basement at Downtown Value School.
Pioneers of Everest Value: Gaines Newborn Gaines Newborn brought the glue. Little did Gaines know 20 years ago that his work with Chris Medinger at the YMCA would translate to a charter school career.
Pioneers of Everest Value: Bobby Marquez Bobby Marquez brought the math (and more). Fresh from an education program at Loyola-Marymount and Teach For America training, Bobby was recruited ten years ago to Downtown Value School by then-principal Gerry Jacoby.
Pioneers of Everest Value: Alice Dryden Alice Dryden brought the music. With a background in music education and composition, Alice brought performance talent. More than that, she brought a keen ability to draw the music out of every child.
Aspiration for Kindness Week Chanel W., a senior at Value Schools, is relatively new to our community. Chanel came to Central City Value in 10th grade, seeking greater diversity, new opportunities, and a more academically challenging environment.
Dr. Terrence Roberts and His Long-Standing Relationship with Value Schools Since our inception and all along the way, many individuals from our wider community have become lasting participants in the mission of Value Schools. Many of these figures found personal resonance in our values and with the students and families we serve.None exemplify this long-term engagement more than Dr. Terrence Roberts, PhD.
A School is More Than A Building: The Legacy of Highlander Folk School Highlander Folk School, in Monteagle Tennessee, reminds us all that a school is not a building; it is the people in the building who teach, inspire, and help envision a better future that defines a school.
Thank You for Your Support in 2020! All of us on the Value Schools We Climb committee are so grateful to those of you who have contributed to our capital campaign, in the past and especially in 2020. Our year-end challenge match was 100% successful, with donations matched dollar for dollar by the Stanford alumni on our boards, Vince Gonzales, Jeff Garcia and Juan Bustamante.
Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! We are fortunate to celebrate the birthday of a great leader today. Last year at this time, students and educators from our four schools participated and marched for Martin Luther King, Jr. We look forward to the day when we can do this again!
A Holiday Thank You to Dr. Pearl Grimes! During this holiday season, Dr. Grimes provided 100 families with a much appreciated holiday bag of groceries in an effort to relieve food insecurity.